Day 2 : Bahrin - Turkey
Early morning, after breakfast and rigorous bout of photo snapping nearby the hotel, we departed to Bahrain airport to fly off to Turkey. Flight as scheduled around 10.10 am local time and approximately 4 hours to arrive Turkey. I was full of anticipation and excited to say the least.
At the airport, I managed to buy a fridge magnet of Bahrain. The price is about 3USD. Bahrain is not a place for shopping as we know that the currency here is too high which is 1 Dinar = RM10. Alhamdulillah, we finally landed Istanbul at 1.10pm local time. It was 6 hours differences from Malaysia. After arriving, we managed to change our USD notes to Lira at the airport. 1USD = 1.75 Lira.
As we checked out the airport, there was already a representative from Renk United Travel. A middle age brown haired gentleman was waiting for us. He was holding the POTO signboard. His name is ATILLA. In Malaysia this name sounds like lady's name. Atilla would eventually as our tourist guide here in Turkey. Then, we headed to surau at this airport to perform solat jamak. Surau in Turkish language is mescit. From then, all of us headed into the coach and were off to Bursa our first destinantion. We will spent the night there.
This time we were just passing through Istanbul. The journey to Bursa takes about 90 minutes bus ride and plus 40 minutes ferry ride across the Gemilik Bay. While we were in the ferry, we managed to talk with local Turkish ladies wearing tudung. They asked us whether we are from Indonesia and they seems so excited to get to know us. They gave me tasbih as sourvenir. We found a communication breakdown while talking with them. They dont understand English and not able to speak English too. Dah jadi macam ayam dan itik. Muahahaha!!!!
It was getting dark there by 5pm and the mild weather upon landing at Istanbul airport and bitingly cold on the moving ferry. There was a cafeteria on the first deck of the ferry, where I could really appreciate a cup of hot Turkish tea. Getting off the ferry 40 minutes later, we continued our journey for a further 60 minutes to reach Bursa.
Our journey for today ended at Caravansaray Hotel, right in heart of Bursa City. Tomorrow we shall visit place of interests, Green Mosque and Silk Bazaar, before we headed to our next destination. Weather here is 12 degree celcius.
After dinner, I and another 3 of my friends, Sha, Siti and Dr Siti were out for sight seeing Bursa town which only nearby our hotel. The weather was so cold. Sha managed to buy one nice long dress. Most of the shops here sell winter coat as we know winter season is around the corner most probably next month.
group trip ko ni ramai gak ke? rege pakej berapa ribu? kat sana ada keluar duit extra lagi tak?
Group ni 25 orang aje. Harga package RM4888 all in. Tapi ada optional tour yg kena bayar lain lah spt traditional dance show, hot air balloon and boshphorus cruise. Kalau taknak joint optional tour ni pun takpa.
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