More Hari Raya Open House for today. First house, we went to Abg Amin's and Kak Shima's house at Keramat AU1. Used to be our x-neighbour and quite close to my family. My mum took care of their daughter, Ain. Look at above pic, Ain with my mum. Sebelah tu, grandma to Ain. Sedap auntie ni masak. Ada laksa penang, nasi impit rendang + kuah kacang, mee goreng and yang paling i suka bubur cacar...sedapnyaaa. Lupa plak nak snap gambar makanan.
Then, we headed to my cousin's house in Shah Alam. I've made appointment with my cousin Abg Udin and wife, Aivy that we wanna 'serang' to their house. Before that, nasib baik tertengok news kat TV shows that, it was heavy traffic jam at Federal Highway bcoz lori terbalik. So, we direct our way to NKVE. It take about one hour gak to arrive Shah Alam. Every where is traffic jam musim raya ni. My cousin served fried kueh teow, currypuff and cakes.
Then after solat Maghrib, all of us convoy to another open house. Its my cousin's mahligai, kak Dalila at Saujana Resort. At night, the invitation only amongst sedara mara. Before that, belah siang for their corporate guests. Kak Dalila is my cousin belah arwah my father. Seronok sangat jumpa sedara mara.....semuanya ada. Wahhh....sorang demi sorang tegur my tudung...cantiknya. I bought that tudung from Bandung. My whole baju from tudung to kain, baju, brooch semua Indon mari. Dorang gelar me, si gadis Indon. Best jumpa cousins serentak...mcm2 cerita kami kongsi. Dah lama tak jumpa and time raya lah we get together. Lupalah nak snapping with tuan rumah. Busy ke sana ke mari. Makanan semua best2 belaka. Ada nasi beriani, nasi dagang, satay, kambing panggang (sedapnyaaa), ikan salmon, cakes and kueh mueh. Ayooo......hari ni asik makan aje. Isshhhh tak boleh jadi..kena sambung puasa.
wwwwwwwwweeeiii...aku pun nak create blog lar weii...hehe..
ko dah terlepas kapal terbang...
leez respeklah klalu dah sampai tiga open house tu kira kencang tu... siap berkambingpanggang lagi... bestnya... Abg BEr tak larat lah samapi tiga.. kalau dah gitu yg ketiga tu datang untuk lite lite jer...
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