I miss arwah Papa so much. Al-Fatihah.
This is the forth time we celebrated Hari Raya without arwah my beloved Papa. So, its a routine every year a day before Raya we went to visit and bersihkan kubur Papa at Tanah Perkuburan Cheras. Some people ziarah kubur orang tersayang on the day of Hari Raya but not for our family. We visit kubur on the last day of Ramadhan. Hari Raya is the day for us to happy and bermaaf-maafan but not to feel sad menziarah orang yang dah meninggal dunia. Terpulang pada cara masing-masing.
This is the forth time we celebrated Hari Raya without arwah my beloved Papa. So, its a routine every year a day before Raya we went to visit and bersihkan kubur Papa at Tanah Perkuburan Cheras. Some people ziarah kubur orang tersayang on the day of Hari Raya but not for our family. We visit kubur on the last day of Ramadhan. Hari Raya is the day for us to happy and bermaaf-maafan but not to feel sad menziarah orang yang dah meninggal dunia. Terpulang pada cara masing-masing.
My first bro, Izuan tengah bersihkan kubur arwah Papa
My second bro, Izam
The blue shirt... my third bro, Idham
Al-Fatihah......Allahyarham Haji Mohamed Saaid Ishak... my beloved father
My beloved grandmother.....sebelah aje kuburnya dengan arwah papa....
arwah nenda meninggal dulu...after 40 days Papa pula meninggal....so kuburnya sebelah-menyebelah
Previous years when Papa still alive, he's the one yang memeriahkan suasana Hari Raya kami. Sedara mara belah my father punyalah ramai and selalunya rumah kami memang penuh dengan sedara mara every year. Alhamdulillah eventhough Papa dah meninggal but they still came to my house and tidak memutuskan silaturrahim antara kami sekeluarga. I love them all.
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