Hari Raya Aidil Fitri is around the corner. Another 10 more days. So, mood nak shopping dah datang. After berbuka, I went to Lot 10 Bukit Bintang with Nor and Yat. I managed to buy MAC cosmetic and office wear. Aduhh kopak duit RM150 beli blusher and lipstick. I get voucher RM10 because my bill for buying cosmetic was above RM100. I purchase one piece of office wear which is 70% discount. After the discount price plus deduction with that RM10 voucher, I managed to buy the office wear with only RM20....huhuhuh.....murah tak????? Nor sempat lagi di 'make-up' kan at MAC kiosk. Very the vogue tapi sayangnya I terlupa nak snap photos.
Around 10 pm, time's up. Then we headed to Jalan TAR. Shopping at Bazar Ramadhan plak. Ramainya manusia padahal masa tu dah nak dekat 10.30 pm. Bak kata Nadia AF6..redah jerrr. Actually nak pi Jalan TAR ni the next day on saturday night but bila pikir balik sure manusia lagi ramai 2 kali ganda. So, redah jer malam tu gak. Yes, I got already type of tudung fashion that i want. I think, that tudung is only available at one shop. Nak tau apa fashionnya....wait till Hari Raya...hahahaha. Surprise!!!!!!

It was 12.30 am aready, then we headed to Restoran Nasi Kandar Pelita at Ampang Point. Pekena teh tarik jap. Punyalah ramai orang kat restoran tu. Nasib baik ada tempat kosong. Order teh tarik and roti canai telur plus gossips session..hehehe. At about 1.30 am chow balik umah. Fuhhh penat giler.....
leez...tudung style baru tu camana? nak gak beli tuk my mom and sis!!
Ya rabbi... tak larat nye aku ke TAR nih... sesak maut bagai.. cemana aku nak beli baju raye nih???
bro orangrawa - tudung terbaru kat Jln TAR ialah tudung KLCC. Cakap kat orang jual tudung tu...nak tudung KLCC. Nahhh...glamour you!! tapi leez beli tudung lain....fesyen sendirian berhad...hehehe.
Abg bear - redah jerr Jln TAR tu jangan tak redah....beli malam sebelum raya lagi murah....selamat bershopping!!!!
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