May 13, 2009

My dear friends.... miss you, guys !!!!

Ingat balik nostalgia zaman belajar dulu. Some of them, we still keep in-touch. Yang pasti most of them dah jadi orang berjaya dalam karier masing-masing. They're kind of educated person. Proud with you guys.

See pictures below sedikit cebisan my old photos yang sempat ku jumpa. I telah melalui pelbagai peringkat sekolah dan setelah habis sekolah. So, ikutkan most of my friends not only stay in KL but also all over Malaysia. Saat paling seronok dengan kawan-kawan ialah masa i Form 3 at BBGS and zaman belajar kat ITM Shah Alam. I really enjoy that moment. Zaman belajar kat MRSM Jasin best jugak but i ni selalu homesick, so always spoilt the mood. Hehehe. Duduk jauh nun di Melaka tu..pun selalu homesick.

To my friends yang terbaca my blog ni and terjumpa your face in this photos... please do contact me, kay!!! Yang mana satu i dalam photo ni... cari sendiri yek. Aduh comot tul zaman dulu-dulu.

zaman kindergarten kat Capital Kindergarten, Jalan Semarak
class 6P....primary school at SRK Puteri Pandan 2, KL...comot betul i masa ni.
Form 3'O' Bukit Bintang Girls School.... miss you guys!!!
Form 3 'O' BBGS..... Eliza, Salina and Azurah...... dimanakah anda???
Form 4 R....MRSM JasinForm 4.... member2 kamcing at MRSM Jasin
my dormmate.....Form 5 MRSM Jasin
Form 5H..... MRSM Jasin..... semua dah berjaya dgn karier yang tip-top
my classmate Form 5H.... MRSM Jasin
Statistics students .... ITM Shah Alam
My good friends when i was in ITM Shah Alam..... Azuan, Wirda, Kamarul, me and Fiza... Azhar not in this pic
korang.... bila nak wat reunion ni......rindu ahhhhFrom left: Azuan, Azhar, Wirda, me and Fiza


  1. ko lahir tahun berapa ni? apsal kindergarten ko pakai ejaan tahun 60-an??

    itu gambar trip PD yg si wirda muntah kat tempat makan tu ke?

  2. aku bukan dizaman pop yeh yeh wei. Baru perasan yea. Naper ejaannya gitu???

    Memang aku ingat sangat2 kisah wirda muntah kat kedai makan tu...muahahaha.
