December 9, 2008

Day 2 : Jalan-jalan to Johor Bahru and Singapore

After finish my work, i headed to my cousin's house, Jai at Mutiara Rini. Jai and hubby also joining us for this trip. Eventhough they stayed in JB but this is their first time coming to Singapore. Hehehe...kesian kan. Actuallly Jai has been told me so many times before this that she wanna tumpang sekaki if i plan to have a visit to Singapore.
So, after singgah sebentar at Jai's house, we headed to Singapore across Second Link Tuas Highway. Actually i am more familiar the way to my uncle's house in Singapore across Second Link rather than Causeway. Nanti sesat maa.....

Second Link Tuas
tgh beratur for imigresen check point
yahoo...dah sampai

We arrived at my uncle's house at about 1.30pm. We had lunch there and lepak kejap. Then after zuhor, my cousins Wawa, Idris and fiancee Linda heret kami semua ke Orchard Road. We not intention to go there by car, so took double decker bus to Orchard Road. New experience for us and we should try it. We really enjoy the scenery but yang bosannya every 2-3 minutes that bus stop to take passengers. My brother siap kira dah berapa station bus tu stop. Muahahaha.
From left : Jai, Wawa, me, Lya and Idham
sakan korang yea...
From left : Ijal, Jai, Nor and me
with my cousin, Wawa
on the way to Orchard Road

dah sampai Orchard Road
Once we arrived at Orchard Road, we straight away go to Hard Rock Cafe. I am not buying anything here because i do have HRC tshirt of Singapore. So, while waiting for other person at the boutique, we snapping photos around here. This is my second time to this place. Then, we headed to LV Boutique at Takashimaya. Kat sana ada sale for toys. Amboi Daniel seronok sakan tgk toys. After converted to RM, the price still cheaper than in KL.

at HRC
From left : Ijal, Linda, Idris and me

penat betul berjalan....jauh tuuu...
Azuan, jgn marah seh....this is my trademark hokay!!... :P
with my lovely cousin, Jai
at Zara Boutique

lagi 1 month to Christmas....tapi dah terasa kemeriahan di sini
Toys sale at Takashimaya

Then, we back to Ghim Moh, my cousin mendera kami jalan kaki for long distance to bus station. Bagai nak tercabut kaki. Aduhh penat. It was on Saturday, crowded with people here. Naik bus pun penuh. But what i respect about Singaporean here, they are very discipline and honest. So many things here cannot be practiced in KL. Modern country and very sofisticated.

After makan-maan at my uncle's house, we headed to Changi Airport to send my cousin, Idris. He is going to Morocco for a month atas urusan kerja. I haven't been to Changi Airport yet and this is my first time. Sincere i told u, KLIA is much more better than Changi Aiport. Better in terms of the building, the size, the modern architecture and etc. Have a look at the photos.

biasa aje...not as modern as KLIA

It was 1.00 am and we felt so tired. We had one more place to go before we headed back to JB. Shopping at Mustafar Center. Apalagi....this is the place where we borong perfume with very good price. Murah banget sehh!!! Original hokay!! After converted to RM, we still can get less about RM50-RM100. Cheap right???? Badan pun dah letih, mengantuk semua, so tak dapat nak cover all over the corner at Mustafar Center. For your information, Mustafar Center is opened 24 hours. Dah beli perfume terus balik and singgah makan murtabak singapore at mamak restaurant. Then we direct back to JB and i arrived hotel at about 4.00 am. Muahahaha.....penat giler.

shopping perfume at Mustafar Center

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