December 8, 2008

Day 1 : Jalan-jalan to Johor Bahru and Singapore

After back from Turkey, my life was so hectic with work. I was asked to go to JB for some office projects. Within 2 days i need to finish up some final preparation in my office before departed to JB. I stayed in JB for 7 days and my mum accompany me for that entire days. Every day early morning i need to be ready at my company's printing plant in Tebrau to run the projects. Seven days in JB amat memenatkan dan very the busy.
Then, weekend on friday my 2 brothers, Izuan & family and Idham & wife came over to JB because they were planning to jalan-jalan to Singapore on the following day. Since my work is almost finish, so i planned to joint them for that trip. They stayed at my cousin's house in Mutiara Rini, JB.
That night we went to Danga Bay, Johor Bahru. I found there's nothing special about that place. For that weekend there's no event or carnival was held at that place. So, it quite boring and after one hour pusing sana sini, we chow from that place.

train station... daniel seronok sakan
at Danga Bay, JB
Idham, me, Lya and mama
Danga Beach
cruise at Danga Beach
Daniel enjoy sakan with this game...

Then, we headed to Medan Steamboat for jalan-jalan cari makan. This place not so far from Danga Bay, about 2 km. Location of this place is just next to Dataran Johor Bahru. I've been to this place before. It was recommended by my cousin. For those people who would like to had a light dinner, this is the place. They had a lot of gerai-gerai yong taufoo steamboat, tahu bakar and other foods. We ordered yong taufoo steamboat, tahu bakar and rojak buah. Sedapnya..........
Medan steamboat
yong taufoo steamboat
macam-macam ada...pilih aja

this is tauhu bakar..... makanan Johor
yong taufoo steamboat...
rojak buah..
tauhu bakar.....
nor and mama
me and lya
idham, izuan and daniel

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