April 7, 2011

UK Trip : Edinburgh Castle Part 1

Setiba aku di bandar Edinburgh, tetiba cuaca cantik sangat. No more snowing and matahari tegak gitu. Suhu still sejuklah 1C. Uikkk....peliknya. Tadi bukan main lebat snow turun masa on the way ke sini. Tapi dalam hati aku berkata-kata...alamak ruginya tak dapat nak posing golek-golek atas snow. Tak boleh jadi ni....aku mesti gi tempat tadi balik. Heheheh....mengadakan minah ni.

History about Edinburgh.

Edinburgh Castle dominates the city of Edinburgh like no other castle in Scotland, and Edinburgh Castle is unequalled in the whole of the British Isles. Over one thousand years of history sit on top of the famous Edinburgh rock, and when you see Edinburgh Castle you will understand why over a million visitors a year visit Edinburgh Castle. When you come to Scotland and visit Edinburgh Castle you will see why the early inhabitants of the area we now call Edinburgh, made their first settlements here, in what is now the city of Edinburgh. People have always sought a safe refuge, and the volcanic rock that forms the base of Edinburgh Castle, has always afforded the ultimate safe and defensive position in Edinburgh.

The City of Edinburgh grew outwards from the Castle rock, and the first houses in Edinburgh were built on the area in front of Edinburgh Castle, which is now known as the Lawnmarket, and then the house building continued down the High Street and The Cannongate towards the Royal Palace of Holyrood House. These streets collectively form a single street known as The Royal Mile. The Royal Mile acquired its name over the ages as Scottish and English kings, queens and royalty in general, have travelled to and fro between the Palace of Holyrood House and Edinburgh Castle - hence the name The Royal Mile.

Aku terpaku dan memang jatuh cinta dengan Edinburgh. Sangat cantik bandar ini. Ia dikelilingi oleh bangunan lama kolonel English yg sangat unik dan tradisi. Bandarnya juga bersih dan tidak sesak. Pusing sana-sini memang kita tak akan sesat sebab bandarnya seperti bentuk segiempat. Kalau sesapa pernah ke CBD Melbourne.....macam tulah jugak bandar Edin.

Sampai di sini kami tak terus check-in. Pagi sangat tu...lebih kurang jam 9 pagi. So, kami direct ke Edinburgh Castle. Senang ajer nak ke tempat ini coz ia terletak betul-betul di tengah bandar Edinburgh di atas bukit. Memang boleh nampak. Tapi masalahnya...how to go there? Entrance kat mana? Hehehehe...walaupun pakai GPS...stilll couldnt find the entrance. Tanya orang ler jawabnya. Alhamdulillah kami sampai di tempat dituju.

bandar Edinburgh di waktu pagi...sejukk

ini note matawang Scotland Pound. Nilainya sama dengan British Pound...so leh guna GBP.

dah sampai Edinburgh Castle....baru lepas parking kereta

di sini parking di mana sahaja kena bayar...sangat mahal. Pegawai penguatkuasa akan sentiasa membuat pemeriksaan. Tengok kat belakang aku tu.

adohaiii sejuknya masa ni....

nampak tak gunung di belakang gambar aku tu......diliputi dengan salji aku di hadapan entrance Edinburgh Castle

History about Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle is a fortress which dominates the skyline of the city of Edinburgh, Scotland, from its position atop the volcanic Castle Rock. Human habitation of the site is dated back as far as the 9th century BC, although the nature of early settlement is unclear. There has been a royal castle here since at least the reign of David I in the 12th century, and the site continued to be a royal residence until the Union of the Crowns in 1603.

As one of the most important fortresses in the Kingdom of Scotland, Edinburgh Castle has been involved in many historical conflicts, from the Wars of Scottish Independence in the 14th century, up to the Jacobite Rising of 1745, and has been besieged, both successfully and unsuccessfully, on several occasions. From the later 17th century, the castle became a military base, with a large garrison. Its importance as a historic monument was recognised from the 19th century, and various restoration programmes have been carried out since.

Entrance fee to this place is £14 (RM70) per person. Sebab bukan peak season kan...beli kat sana ajer. Ketika aku pergi ini orang tidaklah berapa ramai sebab baru nak masuk spring,.....sejuk lagi. Kalau anda pergi ketika summer season sure beratur panjang kan....nak mengambil gambar pun susah. Sebab itu aku tak suka pergi time summer. I hate tempat crowded and berebut-rebut. Keadaan yang aman dan tenang aku suka dan selesa.

Tempat ini memang unik dengan hasil senibina struktuk castle ini yang utuh dan klasik. Difahamkan Edinburgh Castle ini merupakan castle yang paling besar di dunia. Wahhh...patutlah sakit kaki aku jalan jauh kat sana. Segalanya terbina di bawah tanah dan sangat strategik. Nak cerita bab-bab sejarah panjang lebar memang aku tak reti sebab masa pergi ni aku main redah ajer tak pakai tour guide pun. Alasannya.....aku malas nak mendengar orang bercakap. Aku lebih suka melihat dan menikmati permandangan indah di sini. Info boleh dapatkan di internet ahakssss!!!

di hadapan pintu masuk

welcome to Edinburgh Castle

cuba lihat struktur senibina yang utuh dan unik

permandangan bandar Edin dari atas castle

sejukkk tak tahannn!!

keunikan castle ini....

bergambar bersama pahlawan perang (agaknya lah!!)

sinaran matahari tu yg unik

sekian sahaja untuk hari ini. Nanti aku sambung lagi ekkk.....malas nak bercerita panjang sebenarnya. Harap korang enjoy tengok gambar castle ini. Next entry castle gak...bahagian kedua.


  1. pergh kak.....

    sangat cantek la...terjatuh chenta mau p sana..:D

  2. kak,
    cinta datang cinta pergi. Allah dah tulis setiap jodoh pertemuan ajal maut kita. semua yang berlaku ada hikmahnya. kakleezboleh.
    aka dah single ni boleh la saya over over sket dgn ahkak ye. kekekeke.
    lawak sajo. bila ntah nak gi ambik baju kat akak. nanti saya figure out.

  3. sabar...sabar..ada hikmahnya tu.

    Cantik gambar2 yg leez ambik ..:)

  4. iena -

    mmg cantik tmpt ni. Akak pun dah jatuh cinta..hehehe

  5. sepul -

    akak redha atas apa yg berlaku. Mmg ada hikmah disebaliknya walaupn kit sakit dan perit utk melaluinya.

  6. kak hanim -

    yea kak...sy perlukan kekuatan utk meneruskan hidup ini.
    Hidup single lagi senang x pening kepala nk pikir perasaan org.

    gambar permandangan byk sy yg snap tapi gambar2 sy tu kawan yg snap kan..hehehe.
