August 6, 2009

Happy One Year Blogging Anniversary!!

My Journey...My Life...My Family. I can hardly believe it myself. Today (6th August) is actually my official one year anniversary as a blogger.

My Journey : Wherever i go for vacation, it will be my journey!!

My Life : When i feel happy!! When i feel sad!! Hanging out!! Makan time!! ...... part of my life

My Family : Love them all!! Family is everything to me....

Anyone out there reading this blog who wants to say "Hi" I would love to hear from you. I thought blogging was just about writing your thoughts. I had no idea that u made friends. I had no idea about any of it. Besides that, since i get active in this blogging world, it helps me in Crocs business. Thank you guys for supporting me in this business. Really appreciate it!!!

But, I've learned so many things being as a blogger. Here is how blogging as part of my life. The differences between the “before ” and “after” for me had been totally change. It had been as my daily activities. Addicted!!!

And with this opportunity, I would like to thank to all my blog readers, visitors, relatives and friends who always supports and gave good suggestions on blogging to encourage me. Thanks for reading, for commenting, for writing and for being a part of this blogosphere.

To all my readers, you're part of my life!!!! Muahhhh!!


  1. dah setahun rupenya yer kak ..
    congratssssss !!!

    keep on blogging ok !

  2. Lily - Dah setahun berblogging di blogspot tapi berfoto di fotopages lama dah.

    Cuma kat blogspot ni lebih dekat dgn readers. Huhuhu!!!
