March 30, 2009

Hotel N1, Jakarta Pusat

Ini dia hotel yang kami stay kat Jakarta Pusat. Namanya Hotel N1. Alamat di Jalan KS. Tubun No.3. Only 5-10 minutes walking distance to Tanah Abang (shopping area). The nearest hotel. Hotel baru ni. Memang selesa dan berbaloilah takat balik hotel untuk tidur malam aje. Highly recommended.

Harganya Rp250k (RM80) per night. Boleh booking terus melalui nombor yang tertera pada gambar di atas 0062 21 53653908. Kalau nak booking terus melalui Pak Erwan pun boleh.

pandangan sisi...

eh...bila masa lah i masuk dalam tempayan ni....
bahagian kaunter
lobby area
cafe....breakfast here
simple menu for breakfast... bread, fried rice and fried mee
coffee and tea

the room...


  1. hi...ada no tel pak erwan tak?
    I pun nak pi jakarta ni...maybe terus
    pi bandung...

    Your help is needed..tq

  2. best pegi melancong...

    Sis, ada no tel pak erwan tak?

    tq vm

  3. best pi jenjalan...

    ada no tel pak erwan tak...


  4. Hi alfitri,

    Ni phone number Pak Erwan
    +6281513914533 .
    Actually i dah nyatakan his number kat entry Day 1.

  5. hi! good la u...complete info.! i bace ur blog je dah cukup! he he he

    anyway, i'm going to jakarta this wednesday (20/5) and..bole ke slumber je call pak erwan tu?he he he

  6. Hi Ms Silent. Thanks for dropping by. Pak Erwan tu kalau u nak sewa kereta. And if u nak stay kat Hotel N1, dia boleh tolong bookingkan sekali. But if u nak booking hotel sahaja....better u call hotel direct.

    Selamat berholiday di Jakarta!!!!!

  7. Owh..Thanks!! btw..i dah booked pon hotel tu...but in teh first place someone told me that hotel tu berbau...and ala2 hotel kat puduraya tu..?

    betulke..? ape2pon. i dh book! :)

  8. Hi Ms Silent,
    For me, hotel tu ok aje. Tak pulak berbau. Itu hotel baru...baru 4 bulan..taklah mcm hotel puduraya tu. Tgk gambar pun kita leh tahu. Tapi jgnlah pulak u anggap mcm 5 star hotel. Berbaloilah dgn harganya. Cuma environment hotel tu agak horror sikit...byk rumah setinggan. I tak kisah benda tu...asalkan dekat dgn Tanah Abang...hehehehe.

  9. owh..ok..! Thanks...anyway. i dh berdebar baru nk g mlm ni..!

    ha ha ha

  10. Hi...thanks 4 ur complete info. We will be going to Jakarta soon & a bit blurrr where 2 stay(preferd hotel nearby Tanah Abang)...Then terbaca ur blog abt N1 Hotel...Not bad for RM80 lah....Lagipun walking distance pulak 2 dgn T.Abang..Wow....Thanks a lot..:)...

  11. Hi Benadine, Ya, Hotel N1 is the nearest hotel to Tanah Abang. I think worth it kalau takat nak tidur malam aje. It's a new hotel.

    Selamat bershopping!!

  12. bumped into your blog
    was looking for a place to stay in jakarta for my family holiday.
    thanks for the hotel info, it really helps...
    but i'll make sure i will ignore all the 'setinggan' houses around that hotel, as long as my mum is happy with the shopping bit...hehehe..

  13. Hi Anonymous. If u wanna spent time more on shopping and less time on the road, i think this hotel is worth it. Very close to shopping mall Tanah Abang. But, if u wanna spent time santai lepak dalam hotel, better u stay at other hotel.

    With rate Rp250K, not to have high expectation ok. For me, very basic pun dah ok.

    Dont be surpise with the rumah setinggan surrounding the hotel. Hehehe...

    Happy shopping!!!

  14. thanks leez for the info.btw tanah abang tu ade surau or atleast tmpt solat tak??i think i hv read somewhere there is a mosque nearby...i'm sure we're gonna spent the whole day in tanah abang looking through the stuff there.
    btw, pak erwan will be able to drive us around jakarta right for sight seeing??thinking of hiring him for a day, just to drive us around...n maybe evening time he could drive myself and my brotherto hard rock jakarta for some entertaiment (parents will be staying at the hotel for these..hehehe)
    those 2 retaurant that you went is it easy to go/ nearby?

  15. Hi Anonymous.
    Yes, there is surau inside the Tanah Abang building. At 14th Floor.

    You can hire Pak Erwan for sight seeing in Jakarta. Directly contact contact him and say that u got his number from me, Nona Liz.

    Yes, he will be able to drive u if u wanna go to those restaurant.

  16. Hi Leez, is it safe to walk from hotel N1 to tanah abg blok A?

  17. Anonymous - Kalau u tak confident nak jalan kaki ke tanah abang...naik microlite aje...Rp1K.
    Kalau nak cuba jalan kaki juga....boleh juga...cuma hati2 sikit dengan beg anda...

  18. Hi Leez, just came back frm jkta las 2wiks. Wanna thanks u for ur info d other day. Pak Erwan yg fetch kitaorg dat nite. We arrve at N1 Hotel midnite. Hotel 2 kemas & bersih (dont care abt d surrounding though..i mean outside d N1 Hotel). We all jalan kaki pegi Tanah Abang. Dekat je & balik ikut bajai coz byk sgt brg. Kat N1 Hotel, kitaorg ada jumpa few Malaysian as well. The food in d hotel not bad..we really love sop bontot(Rp30K only). The service...for me no problem. Pak Erwan really helpful so I do recommend him as well. Thnks again :)

  19. Hi Leez,
    I perasan in 2006 you amik Take's Mansion. Which one yg hotel dia better? Take's Mansion ke N1? I know both are near to Tanah Abang & harga sama je.

    Dlm website dia kata Take's Mansion dekat dengan Plaza Indonesia & Grand Indonesia. Walking distance ke?

  20. JiGz - Hotel N1 nearer to Tanah Abang..walking distance aje. I prefer Hotel N 1 rather than Take's Mansion. Apmt tu dah lamalah. I heard from friend...tempat tu keras...berhantu. Dulu i stay 1 nite aje.
    Tapi dekatlah dgn Plaza Indonesia but jauhlah kalau jalan kaki.
    So, i suggest u to stay kat NI lah.

  21. askum kak leez.. wah best la tgk gambar2 kak ni.. jeles i..
    bulan 1 ni nak p jkrta tp hotel n transport xbook lg.. nak cari yg budget je.N1 ni slain call mcm mna nak book? blh email? lg 1 tanah abang 2 confuse ckit napa ada byk blok? nak p blok yg mna 1 best utk kaum hawa ni :)

  22. HOTEL NI kira ok le...nak apa semua ada...mcam-mcam ada...yang peting Okosnya PAK..pastu gi BANDUNG..van hotel 800.00 ribu rupiah boleh kautim...bandung..lagi boleh kautim..klau pandai dpat murah..

  23. hi
    saya nak tanya, hotel ni terima card credit tak?...
    and macammana nak booking online erk...takde website pun?


  24. khairul -

    saya tak pasti pasal credit card tu. Rasanya masa saya gi dulu tu tak terima credit card. Tak taulah sekarang.

    Hotel ini memang tkda website. Kalau nak booking call aje. Nombor ada tertera pada gambar.

  25. Khairul, if I may add to the answer..
    I went there in Oct. Yes, boleh guna credit card.

    And during my 3 nights stay, maybe I was just unlucky to get such room tapi I wasn't pleased pasal toilet teruk - shower tanggal, heater rosak, paip bocor, flush not working. Bila complain, diorang kata nak betulkan tapi sampai ke last day tak buat apa. Nasib baik my family jenis tak fussy sangat pasal kitorang malas nak tukar2 hotel. It's a budget hotel so don't complain of bad service. Unlike high standard hotel, no refund or complimentary given for bad service or unpleasant stay. So pls dont come with high expectation. However, hotel tu convenient sangat (thx to Liza for introducing) psl dekat dgn Tanah Abang - if u plan to spend most time kat sana.

  26. hi
    thank you to both for answering my question promptly..yerla..memang mimpi ngeri kalau bilik kita ada problem plak...tapi i nak ke jakarta nak spend most of the time lawat lawat monuments /mall diorang...tanah abang pun maybe just a few hours visit...
    leez, i read on cari forum , ada forummer ckp teksi tak lalu /tak nak lalu kat area hotel N! SEBAB jam ye ke?

  27. salam sis, smlm i dah sms pak erwan.tya pasal rate ke bandung(rp750k pertrip) n sekitar jakarta (rp500k perday) ok ke rate 2.. N hotel N1 i dpt rp265k.. i kan g jakarta pd 5/2-8/2/2010. tq for the info...

  28. Anonymous,

    Ok tu harganya.
    Next time bilang aje u ni my friend, sure dapat diskaun.

  29. Dear all, i just came back from Jakarta trip 6-10 March recently..i went there with mum,auntie&cousin--four of us.Nak bajet punya hal,we all stayed at N1hotel and after read this blog &recommendation,we decide to stay there.On the way to hotel frm airport,the supir pun tak tau the hotel until i mentioned the jalan KS Tubun and the supir tergamam,i wonder why at first&hanya diamkn diri je. Once after check-in etc i dah dpt agak the room etc agak teruk&yes my prediction is so true..air-cond rosak (both mine&cousin room),water heater out,toilet teruk&yes the room smells (i think hotel Pudu pun x mcm tu)..after refresh ourselves, we went out to jln2 by taksi&all the way the taksi driver buka cite bout that area,not just setinggan area cuz itu kwsn org ssh tapi situ kwsan pelacuran&penuh dgn org hitam (negro etc)..its so true cuz masa otw balik hotel,we all saksikan sndri ramau pelacur mencari pelanggan di mlm hari..its really bahaya&dari bilik hotel pun u can see&hear out loud music terpasang hingga Subuh..for our own sake&safety,we decided to check out the next day and find another hotel..Ibis Mangga Dua (just next to Mangga Dua&walking distance),its not the matter of near@far to shop outlets but its the matter of safety..overall,not recommended at all.

  30. Thanx for ur info anonymous. Masa sis Syarliz kite ni pegi mungkin Hotel tu safe lagi. I nak pergi sana bulan October nanti ... nasib baik i terbaca comment u ni ... nampaknya i kene proceed dengan Mangga Dua. Dahlah semua perempuan .. our two frens nak balik subuh2 11 october plak tu ... duit boleh cari, safety?

  31. Hotel N1 tu the nearest hotel yg available kat Tanah Abang...jalan kaki je da boleh smpi tp agak jauh dr pusat bandar..amat selesa....pak erwan pun boleh dicontact melalu Facebook..."Moch Erwan" far da byk kali pegi die la supir tetap kami.....famous Pak Erwan ya??khidmat die mmg superb....mmg ala2 tour guide betol...dr Jakarta ke Bandung sume boleh.....walaupun N1 hotel consider as hotel bajet tp selesa ya amat..sesuai tuk kaki trip pegi Jakarta around October ni...:)

  32. salam,

    terima kasih atas segala info.. saya plan nak ke tanah abang bulan 3 ni.. cuma nak bertanya kan kalau beli barang banyak, macamana nak uruskan kurier penghantaran pulang? tq

  33. Salam,
    I nak g Jakarta March next year & nak tanya if u could give pak erwan punye contact no. This time I nak stay kat hotel yg nearer to tnh abang. I heart hotel N1 tu teruk. So bleh tak u recomend me hotel yg dekat & murah kat area tnh abang.

  34. Salam,
    I nak g Jakarta March next year & nak tanya if u could give pak erwan punye contact no. This time I nak stay kat hotel yg nearer to tnh abang. I heart hotel N1 tu teruk. So bleh tak u recomend me hotel yg dekat & murah kat area tnh abang.

  35. Terimakasih atas segala infonya

  36. salam,
    nak tanye, u book hotel u terus call ke? macam mane ye kalau nak call ke sane from malaysia?
    i nak ke jakarta hujung bulan ni n still cari hotel. boleh advise i tak? please please please. Pak erwan tu nak call macam mane pulak ye.
    Ade connecting room x?
