February 15, 2009

Outing With Friends

Last weekend was my busy day. Outing with friends.
Actually sesekali jumpa kawan borak-borak kat cafe and discuss so many things about our life time a little bit help me release my pressures in office. So, since dah get together with my x-BBGSian friends, ada sorang dua yang i always sms-ing and email-ing. As a single lady, my life always free. Dah jumpa kawan-kawan lama, makin busylah tiap weekend.

My first outing with Zarina, x-BBGSian on last Friday night. I kenal Zarina when we were in BBGS but we're not so close then. From form 1 to 3 memang kami ni berlainan kelas. Tapi tau lah kewujudan minah ni..hehehehe. Nice meeting her and thanks Zarina for being such a nice friend. Lepas dah berpisah 20 tahun jumpa balik masa kat Tupai-tupai Rest gathering last week. Since then, she always sms me and sometimes we had chatting through YM Messenger. So, last Friday met up with her at Johnny's Steamboat Berjaya Times Square. We had our dinner there with seafood steamboat. Borak punya borak rupanya we are the last person balik...hehehe sampaikan dah nak tutup restaurant tu.

Then tak puas lagi tu, we continued our borak session kat Mc Donalds Desa Pandan. Selesa skit sebab Mc Donalds kan opened 24 hours. Tau tak until what time? Heheheh until 3 am. Huiitt tak boleh jadi ni kena balik gak. Bahaya anak dara hanging out at this hour.

Both of us still single and so macam2 benda kami borak. The most hottest topic was about our past stories...jatuh bangun dalam percintaan. Past is past but the stories still in our memory. Kehidupan perlu diteruskan. Pahit manis dalam kehidupan lalu tetap dalam kenangan. Tak semestinya being a single lady kami tak gembira but sebenarnya ramai lagi yg sudah berkahwin lebih banyak masalah mereka. So always smile and be happy. Biarlah hanya Allah yang tahu hati dan perasaan kami. Actualy i terkejut sangat dapat tau ramai betul my friends of BBGS yang dah jadi single mum, divorcee, second marriage and ramai lagi still single til now. Itulah dugaan Allah kan. Not everybody di dunia ni bahagia dengan kehidupan masing-masing.

with zarina. Nice knowing u dear...
Then, the next day on Saturday another outing with my friend, Dr Siti Haida. First time i met her when we're in Turkey last year. Since then, kami bertambah close. Actually Dr Siti nak pi wedding kat Pandan Lake Club and she minta i temankan. Since i pun free last Saturday, so apa salahnya temankan dia. Kebetulan pulak she was not so familiar with that area. Actually dekat aje dengan Hospital Ampang, place where she's working with.
Then, we all plan nak jalan-jalan kat Pavillion Bukit Bintang. Ya Ampun traffic jam teruk yg amat kat sana. About 1 hour we stuck in traffic jam. I pun belok ke simpang Berjaya Times and ikut Jalan Tun Razak ke KLCC. Rupanya jalan tutup kat Bukit Bintang area....WTF!!!. Akhirnya kami ke KLCC.
We all lepak at Coffee Bean few hours and shopping at I-Setan. Akhirnya i terjebak beli 2 helai casual wear...hehehe. Sampai umah about 9.00 malam. Penatnya yang amat.

waiting for Dr Siti at Hospital Ampang

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