February 27, 2009

Konsert Alam Muzik M.Nasir

Konsert Alam Muzik M.Nasir ini dibawakan oleh Box Office Ali Bakar. Ia dipentaskan di Panggung Sari, Istana Budaya. Thanks to Kak Rose for the ticket. Actually that night specially for press and sponsors. The actual concert bermula 27th Feb hingga 1st March.

Nak tahu apa yang akan ku komen mengenai konsert ini. Jap lagi yea.

Masa sampai kat Istana Budaya tu, nampak dah ramai yang menanti di luar. Konsert bermula pada jam 9.00 malam dan habis pada pukul 11.30 malam. Penuh panggung sari ni dengan para wartawan dari pelbagai media dan para penaja konsert. Nampak juga beberapa orang artis yang turut hadir. Antaranya yang i nampak dan sempat bergambar ialah Misha Omar, Yazer dan Ikin AF3. Nampak Nash tapi tak sempat nak bergambar dengan dia.

the ticket
dalam panggung sari....
gambar blur skit...
Kak Rose, Rosnah wartawan Harmoni and me
me and alya
with Misha Omar....lawanya dia ni...
Yazer AF3..... tgk dari dekat memang ensem.. :)
with Yazer AF3...
Ikin AF3.....dia dtg dengan Yazer
with Ikin AF3.....dia ni sweet....

alya and kak rose bersama penari tarian M.Nasir...so comel..hehehe

Komen tentang persembahan M.Nasir pada konsert ini
Terus terang i cakap, i'm not M. Nasir fanatic fan. Minat biasa-biasa aje. Hanya minat pada bakatnya dan lagu-lagu ciptaannya pada suatu ketika dulu. Lagu ciptaannya yang dinyanyikan sendiri olehnya sekarang ni i tak berapa suka sangat. Lagu-lagu ala-ala nusantara belum begitu masuk dalam jiwaku. Akan tetapi lagu2 ciptaannya ketika zaman kumpulan Kembara dulu...memang i suka dan minat sangat. Boleh leleh air mata gitu...sobbb..sobbb..sobbb.
Suara dia pulak, memang suara jantan habis...boleh cair beb. I like his vocal.
Secara peribadi this konsert tidak begitu masuk ke dalam jiwaku. For me, kalau kita tak faham lagu M. Nasir kita boleh tertidur di dalam dewan tu. Memang betul jangkaanku....dan nampak 2-3 orang kat belakangku yang dah terlelap...hehehe. Kebanyakan lagu yang didendangkan ada yang tak pernah dengar langsung. Itu yang i frust sangat. Kita akan enjoy pada sesuatu konsert jika kita sama-sama dapat menyanyikan lagu yang penyanyi tu dendangkan. Terkial-kial i nak ikut lirik yang tak berapa nak hafal tu.
Akan tetapi i salute kat M.Nasir kerana dengan usia nya yang dah nak senja akan tetapi staminanya menari di pentas memang superb. Tak nampak pancit pun. Biasalah style dia menari, hanya dia aje yang faham cara dia menari. So, memang respect habis. Dia pun tak banyak sangat berbicara dengan penonton. Hanya sekali-sekala sahaja bila dia bertanyakan apa nama lagu yang akan dia dendangkan. Siap buat joke lagi "siapa tak tahu lagu ni boleh keluar"...amboi joke berbisa tu.
Iringan muzik memang mantap dan begitu bertenaga. Secara keseluruhan bagiku konsert ini pada tahap biasa aje. I'm not really enjoy this kind of music. Masa i tengok konsert Sheila Majid kat KL Convention Centre last year memang best....kita boleh ikut lagu yang didendangkan dan Sheila pulak pandai berinteraksi dengan penonton. Habis konsert tersenyum puas. But this konsert...macam takda feel apa-apa. Sorry M. Nasir atas kritikan ini.
Guys, enjoys the pics below.

comel kan penari-penari ni....


  1. I attended the concert with 3 other friends. We paid RM203 for each ticket to get a good seat. I think if you pay to watch the concert, you must be a fan, else you won't splurge that much money. In addition, we drove all the way from out of KL.

    I agree that if you are not a great fan, you may not enjoy the show. I remember when I went to watch Siti Nurhaliza performing at Istana Budaya a few years back (the one where she sang Sudirman's song) I dozed off.

    So you are so spot on on your observation.

    But, as a fan, we went there to hear and watch his creative performance. I think it is among a few excellent concerts I have watched. I thought it was excellent from the beginnning till nearly the end. The music, his voice, his energy, the lighting, the dancers, the backupsingers, sound quality.

    But there is one thing I would like to change - I was a little disappointed with his departure from stage. I felt he could do better and not disapper from the stage in that fashion - that part made him appear so unconnected to the crowd that came to see him. He may see things differently and we respect that.

    But all in all, we left very satisfied.

    Thank you M. Nasir, Istana Budaya, Ali Bakar and NSTP for an excellent evening.

  2. I agree with anonymous. Those who got the complimentary tickets may not be M.Nasir's fans but accepted it probably just to be there to be seen and to take the oppurtunity to meet other artists and honestly should not have accepted the complimentary ticket in the first place. Give it to someone else who appreciate M.Nasir's music. Anyway I went to his concert yesterday with my husband and I don't mind at all paying RM506 for two tickets because we enjoyed the concert so much. In fact we would have gone to his concert again tonight if there are tickets available. That is how much we valued M.Nasir and his wonderful music.

  3. Bersetuju dgn Anonymous & rose. Hanya fan sahaja yang akan menghayati konsert oleh mana mana artis. Mereka sanggup bayar dan datang dari jauh untuk mendapatkan pengalaman yg mereka tahu mereka perlukan sebagai peminat. . Just my 2cent.

  4. Anonymous and Rose - That was my personal view. Everyone who attended for that concert have their own perception. If u said the concert is great...its okay for me. It doesnt matter whether u ni fanatic fan ke...fan biasa ke...but we still have the right to comment. I'm working with media,so the complimentary ticket special for us. So, tak perlulah persoalkan why i was there on that night. We are freedom to give comments. Just because u all ni fanatic fan of M.Nasir and u spnet so much for the tickets, takkan tak nampak sikit pun cacat cela konsert tu. Common guys open your mind pls.

  5. May I interupt,

    Working with a media is not a reason to give negative feedback to others. Instead of giving negative feedback, you should have been more supportive by giving new ideas of how to make a concert more interesting and enjoyable to watch. I am not a fanatic fan of M Nasir but I do cheerish his art works and value his talent. If you want others to open up their mind, I think you your self learn to be more open to accept others to comment. After all, we just want to voice up our thoughts. Just like you.... why must you snap?

  6. We are freedom to give comments. Whether its negative or positive, u're welcome to give comments here. But pls dont ask me why must i snap all those pictures. This is my blog, dear!!!
