October 15, 2008

Satay Station

Kalau ada sesapa nak cuba makan satay yang kedainya dihias dengan ala-ala kampung style.....let's try this Satay Station at Jalan Kampung Pandan. First time tau pasal restoran ni melalui my brother. Padahal hampir setiap minggu lalu depan restoran ni....tak perasan pun.Very nice place!!! Ala-ala kampung style. Boleh makan dalam rumah yang dihias cara kampung....kena duduk bersila lah. Kalau nak makan kat luar pun boleh.... ada pelbagai bentuk kerusi meja. Tak ramai yang tahu tentang Satay Station ni sebab restoran ni baru aje dibuka sebelum puasa yang lepas. Restoran ini hanya jual Satay dan Mee Rebus. Harganya agak berpatutan...secucuk satay 60 sen....rasa pun sedap. Mee rebus pulak....sedapnya yang amat. Semangkuk mee rebus harganya RM6 dan ia boleh dimakan untuk 2 orang...big portion. Jangan tak tau.....anda juga boleh bermain piano yang diletakkan di tepi tangga rumah tersebut.

Ni dia....boleh makan satay dalam umah ni...duduk bersila.....ada piano lagi kat tepi tangga tu..

boleh juga makan di luar.......

kami makan di luar.....ada bumbung lagi.....cantik tempat ni...

presentation satay ni pun nampak mcm kampung style...

mee rebus ni sedapnyaa...rugi kalau tak try

ni alamat satay station tu...at Jalan Kg Pandan....kat tepi jalan besar on the way to Taman Nirwana...


  1. wah mcm menarik je....tak tau lak ada kat situ.

  2. aku pun tak pernah perasan tempat ni.. padahal kat kpg aku tu!!... sedap dari hj samuri ke?

  3. orangrawa - memang menarik....u must try this place.

    gadhogadho - aku memang tak perasan langsung. Adik aku yg bgtau. Memang sedap... Hmmm....aku dah lama banned Hj Samuri....pernah terkena satay masam....hampeh tullllll

  4. Can I know exactly where it is? I googled this place and found your blog. The place is on the way to LRT tu ke? I know Taman Nirwana... but not sure of this place.
    ~ Brian.

  5. Hi Brian!

    If you're from Taman Cempaka at traffic light next to Galaxy Ampang. Turn left. Go straight and can see another traffic light. After the traffic light about 50 meters...the satay station is on your left. It located at Kg Pandan main road. :)

  6. macam pantek la nak gie sana..nak parking pun mcm sial..dekat 200 kali pusing baru leh nak paking..sampai2 kt kedai..org penuh...table kosong xde..dah la tu tgk banyak table xde dpt makanan lagi..mcm kimak la gie sana..aku ckp kt korang xyah la gie...

  7. fyi kalau rasa tmpt tue penuh leh gie branch dia kat ampang waterfront... kat food court aper ntah nama dia... simpang nk masuk carrefour ampang sebelah kanan.. tapi food court tu sebelah kiri laa... kat situ senang sket nk makan coz luas.. i kalau nk makan gie situ jerk coz kg. pandan penuh sgt..

  8. Assalamualaikum. Im from Singapore.
    Thnx very much for this detailed info. I saw a new satay stall in Pavillion food court but couldn't remember the name. Is it a branch of this Satay Station?

  9. I am on of thesatay station lovers...

    sedaaap sangat. First time I went is when my Paksu recommend. I never know there was a place like that.

    the satay is big for its price, I have bought other satay (because of no choice) in Bazaar ramadhan cost the same RM0.60 BUT 3x small and of course not delicious.

    I have went there for about 5 times and i PLAN to bring my friend there this ramadhan.. want to let them taste my favourite food. hehe

    Thanks kat owner blog ni sebab dapat amek no tpon dia dari gmbr yang dia tgkp. nak tempah meja bukak pose, tp tak tau boleh tempah pakai fon ke x. try jela..

  10. dr sheri,

    I have been at the satay food stall in pavilion too, and fyi its not satay station branch,

    its more expensive compare to satay station and the taste also different. bUt for me, it is delicious too, but satay station taste different.

    the satay food stall in pavilion has some taste of curry in the satay but still delicious, BUT EXPENSIVE.

  11. if i am not mistaken, when i was in London last year, I saw Satay Station restaurant around Marble Arch area. I think, that Pavillion satay station got connection with the one in London, not this kg pandan's. I am just guessing... btw, i have been to this kg. pandan's satay station and i am loving it. this monday 14th, me n staff in my office will have an iftar there for 30pax...based on my recommendation..hehe.

  12. Hi all,

    To go to this place, we need to turn left at traffic light before Galaxy, or after Galaxy? meaning Galaxy will be on our left? Thanks for ur reply in advance... :)

  13. memang sodap...meh cubo...kalau skali mosti nak duo kali....lain dari yang lain...rosepi datang dari jlobu...mee robus datang dari pandan..klau ekau nak tau...meh cubo kito rasakan...

  14. Sate n the Gravy not bad, the mee rebus also not bad, but my friend from Muar told me Muar mee rebus better than this place x know how true this is... price in 2010 was 80c per sate now is already 90c per sate, didn't bother 2 look at mee rebus price... me as usual when it comes to paying stuffs x really look at details, just total amount n pay

  15. ade jual satay rusa x??

  16. compared to satay stall kat jalan Peel, takde apa yg boleh dibanggakan dgn satay kg. pandan ni. mee rebus dia biasa2 je, tapi harga rm6.. kat stall sebelah satay jln peel tu ada pak wan mee rebus, lebih power rangers lagi n ada ketam dlm mee rebus dia.. harga pulak rm 5 je. n satay jln peel tu mmg la lebih kecik dari yg kg. pandan punya, tapi takde la byk kulit ayam mcm kat kg. pandan n rasa lebih sodappp dari kg. pandan.. btw saya baru gi satay kg. pandan tadi n dah setel mkn n bayar, masih terbayang satay jln. peel. sekian.. akhir kata, try dulu satay jln peel wahai sedara sedari sekalian..

  17. terbaik..
    salam perkenalan
    follow me back

  18. yup, mee rebus dia mantap tpi sikit sgt. mangkuk aje hrp besar..now secucuk sate cost RM1 n for mee rebus, still remain the same, RM6..btw, i loike the sate daging,(extra garing)..=)

  19. baru je makan sate station...terkejut beruk sbb harganya tak sepadan dengan saiz sate...ini local food tak sepatutnya harganya sebegitu mahal bukan makan di London...so harap tuan punya sate ni pikir pikirlah...jadilah genuine business man berniagalah dengan iman sptmana cara Rasulullah....
