August 28, 2008

Day 4 - Bangkok Trip (9th-12th August 2008)

Sorry lambat nak update on our 4th day at Bangkok. Today is a public holiday in Thailand. Its Queen's Birthday. Wahhh...siap cuti tu. Baguslah dorang love their royal family. Early in the morning, me and Nor dah bergerak ke Pratunam Centre...which is only 10 minutes walking distance to that place. My bro and nephew tak ikut....they want to rest before we fly back to KL today. Before we reach to that place....about 50 meters away from the hotel....there's one tuk-tuk guy approached us utk naik tuk-tuk. He said Pratunam Market is closed today in the morning because of Queen's Birthday. The seller went to temple and only open it at 1 o'clock. So that, this guy offer me to send us to other place which is similar like Pratunam...its wholesale market. I memang tak percaya...and just say...never mind we want to see first whether its open or not. Once we reach to that place.....punyalah melambak orang meniaga. Memang penipu that guy.....sorrylah ingatkan kita ni bodoh sangat. Ada juga Thai ppl pesan to tourist....just be careful with tuk-tuk.....ramai penipu.
Platinum Fashion Mall.....wholesale

Pratunam Center.....wholesale market

at Pratunam..... punyalah banyak baju

the blue fashion blouse (right) is only RM15 if u buy 3 pieces.

Pratunam Market is the place where u can buy wholesale item. Normally the seller would encourage u to buy more than 3 pieces to get cheaper price. Tapi bila pikir balik...takkan kita nak beli 3 helai baju yang sama fashion kot.....So, i just bought 1 piece for different fashion.....harga kena tambah sikit lah. Memang jadi giler gi area ni...besar yang amat, manusia punyalah ramai dan murah sangat2. But mostly memang blouse for ladies with variety of sizes. From 9 am till 2.00pm we were here. Tak sempat nak pi Platinum Mall just opposite Pratunam.....dah penat yang amat....kaki pun dah lenguh and duit pun dah habis.. Then, we proceed to Mak Yah Restaurant.....naik cab aje. Memang dah tak larat nak jalan kaki.

Food at Mak Yah Restaurant...tomyam again

After kekenyangan, we headed back to hotel. Sempat tu tapau lauk kat Mak Yah for our dinner kat airport. I takut takda halal food at the airport. After packing our bags, we checked out the hotel at 5.00 pm. Because of late checked out, the hotel charged us half day rate...hmmm. We took cab to airport and it only took 30 minutes to arrive there. After check in our luggage, we still have time to makan2 and lepak. Survanabhumi Airport at Bangkok is a new airport and similar like our KLIA. The flight take off on time as scheduled at 8.20 pm. Alhamdulillah selamat sampai KL. Really enjoy with this trip....especially the shopping heaven, the food and the fruits. Cuma tak tahan turun naik tangga kat BTS and kaki lenguh byk berjalan. Hahahaha.

the place where we took our dinner

bestnya pulut mangga kat sini.... yummy

bye bye Bangkok..... really enjoy this trip

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