August 31, 2008

Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.......

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak datang lagi.
Bulan mulia yang sering kita rindui.

Sebagai umat islam mari kita menyambut kedatangan puasa bulan Ramadhan ini dengan penuh rasa gembira dengan persediaan zahiriah dan batiniah. Menguatkan azam untuk beramal ibadat dan merebut fadhilat, pahala dan ganjaran yang dijanjikan Allah. Insya Allah.

Dengan kedatangan Ramadhan ini semoga kita dapat menjalani ibadah puasa dengan khusyuk, diberkati dan dirahmati Allah S.W.T. Insya Allah.

Mata kadang salah melihat,
Mulut kadang salah berucap,
Hati kadang salah menduga,
Mohon maafkan segala khilaf yang pasti ada,
Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak........

August 29, 2008

Kosmo Varsiti Futsal 2008

Ada kerja sikit kat UPM Serdang sempena Kosmo Varsiti Futsal 08. Me and my team were there to conduct research survey about this game and our newspaper Kosmo. The question we asked basically more on their reading habits about Kosmo and their perception about this futsal game. Peserta futsal ni terdiri daripada universiti student and this was final game. Okaylah tak susah sangat nak approach students ni to answer the questionnaires. Sediakan free gift...hmm tersenyum lebar ler bebudak tu.

pentas penyampaian hadiah and kerusi penonton

tengok tu.... apalah si azrul dok tunjuk tu.... ngado-ngado

game dah bermula

i'm proud with KOSMO.....go KOSMO go !!!!

student dok menonton game before their turn

sempat tu posing di celah2 orang....hahahah

sampel percuma air Vico....ceddap

this is the questionnaire..... kasi blurrr

August 28, 2008

Day 4 - Bangkok Trip (9th-12th August 2008)

Sorry lambat nak update on our 4th day at Bangkok. Today is a public holiday in Thailand. Its Queen's Birthday. Wahhh...siap cuti tu. Baguslah dorang love their royal family. Early in the morning, me and Nor dah bergerak ke Pratunam Centre...which is only 10 minutes walking distance to that place. My bro and nephew tak ikut....they want to rest before we fly back to KL today. Before we reach to that place....about 50 meters away from the hotel....there's one tuk-tuk guy approached us utk naik tuk-tuk. He said Pratunam Market is closed today in the morning because of Queen's Birthday. The seller went to temple and only open it at 1 o'clock. So that, this guy offer me to send us to other place which is similar like Pratunam...its wholesale market. I memang tak percaya...and just say...never mind we want to see first whether its open or not. Once we reach to that place.....punyalah melambak orang meniaga. Memang penipu that guy.....sorrylah ingatkan kita ni bodoh sangat. Ada juga Thai ppl pesan to tourist....just be careful with tuk-tuk.....ramai penipu.
Platinum Fashion Mall.....wholesale

Pratunam Center.....wholesale market

at Pratunam..... punyalah banyak baju

the blue fashion blouse (right) is only RM15 if u buy 3 pieces.

Pratunam Market is the place where u can buy wholesale item. Normally the seller would encourage u to buy more than 3 pieces to get cheaper price. Tapi bila pikir balik...takkan kita nak beli 3 helai baju yang sama fashion kot.....So, i just bought 1 piece for different fashion.....harga kena tambah sikit lah. Memang jadi giler gi area ni...besar yang amat, manusia punyalah ramai dan murah sangat2. But mostly memang blouse for ladies with variety of sizes. From 9 am till 2.00pm we were here. Tak sempat nak pi Platinum Mall just opposite Pratunam.....dah penat yang amat....kaki pun dah lenguh and duit pun dah habis.. Then, we proceed to Mak Yah Restaurant.....naik cab aje. Memang dah tak larat nak jalan kaki.

Food at Mak Yah Restaurant...tomyam again

After kekenyangan, we headed back to hotel. Sempat tu tapau lauk kat Mak Yah for our dinner kat airport. I takut takda halal food at the airport. After packing our bags, we checked out the hotel at 5.00 pm. Because of late checked out, the hotel charged us half day rate...hmmm. We took cab to airport and it only took 30 minutes to arrive there. After check in our luggage, we still have time to makan2 and lepak. Survanabhumi Airport at Bangkok is a new airport and similar like our KLIA. The flight take off on time as scheduled at 8.20 pm. Alhamdulillah selamat sampai KL. Really enjoy with this trip....especially the shopping heaven, the food and the fruits. Cuma tak tahan turun naik tangga kat BTS and kaki lenguh byk berjalan. Hahahaha.

the place where we took our dinner

bestnya pulut mangga kat sini.... yummy

bye bye Bangkok..... really enjoy this trip

Lepak at OldTown White Coffee Ampang Waterfront

Inilah muka-muka yg almost every night swimming kat Pandan Utama.... the five ladies .... me, nor, yat, lya and hanny. Biasanya on friday night after the swimming session all of us would find tempat lepak for chit chat and gossips. Almaklumlah the next day tak kerja balik lambat pun apa kisah. Selalunya melepak kat OldTown White Coffee Jln Yap Kwan Seng......tapi hanny suggested why not we find other place which the nearest. Okaylah Ampang Waterfront pun okay. This place is slightly bigger than the one kat Jln Yap Kwan Seng tapiiiiiiii........ the food was hampeh. Yat ordered meehoon tomyam ... tapi cair bair. Mee jawa plak mcm hampeh tak leh nak makan.....dah macam mee sos....hua...hua..hua. For me it was not worth it to eat food here. Takat nak order coffee and lepak2 okay lah. The place selesalah jugak. Naper yea before this when we ordered food kat Jln Yap Kwan Seng....okay jerr....and the food was hot some more. Lya plak ordered kueh tiaw sup suam....hahahaha. But, Hanny really enjoy the curry mee.
What topics that we always chit chat??? Hmmm...artist gossips, collegues gossips, guys gossips and boss gossips .....hahahaha!!!!

nor and yat........ayooo control cun lah tu...

peace..... memang betul2 lepak..

hanny......the sexy mummy

nor..... posing maut punya

yat..... posing lentuk tersengeh

lya....posing ayu terlebih

ni pulak.....gedik santai

August 27, 2008

Planning for Turkey Trip After Hari Raya

By this coming 26th Oct after Hari Raya Lebaran, i might plan for trip to Turkey. Insya Allah ada rezeki and panjang umur will go there with my friend, Sha. Actually we had been planning this trip 3 months ago and October is the only month that both of us are available. The tour agent said that during Authum or Winter would be the best season to visit Turkey as we can see a lot of interesting place here. It will be Authum season when i visit this place on Oct.

These are few photos about Turkey which i get it from internet. Hopefully i will enjoy this trip.

August 20, 2008

Day 3 - Bangkok Trip (9th-12th August 2008)

breakfast time....only took breads and fruits

After breakfast early in the morning, we continued our third day trip for Chao Phraya River Boat. From BTS Ratchatewi to BTS Saphan Taksin takes about 12 minutes. Not far from the station we already can see the Sathorn Pier Station for this cruise. We only pay RM12 per person for day pass trip. Ayooo....the river dah mcm air teh tarik. Bau pulak amat meng'hanyir'kan. But just because nak try to have experience melalui this river....buat dek ajelah dgn bau tu. From first station to the end and return back to Maharaj Station. We stopped here because we wanna go to Grand Palace. Just five minutes walking distance from this station. Masa melalui jalan ke Grand Palace.....banyak pokok2 redup yg menyejukkan perjalanan kami. Along the journey ada byk penjual meniaga di kaki lima.
Long tail boat....mostly the locals use this boat
Wat Arun

This is the tourist boat....RM12 for day pass
Nampak tak Wat Arun??

This is the way to Grand Palace.....sejuk nyaman aje....a lot of peniaga kaki lima here

For those people who wanna go to Grand Palace, they have to wear in proper way....bersopanlah. No short pants, no sleeve less and no mini skirt. My brother wearing short pants and he needed to sewa long pant with RM100 deposit...can get back the money. Punyalah panjang beratur nak sewa long pant tu. This place was full with tourist and kebetulan plak tomorrow is Queen Birthday. We dont get into the Grand palace, just stay around the entrance for photos snapping. They charge RM25 per person to enter the place. Ambil gambar pun more than enough. For me not worth to pay RM25 just because to see patung2 berhala tu. Hmmm....i would rather spent the money to buy new blouse. Hahaha.

Grand Palace

Thailand Grand Palace ..... Sawadikapp

Then, we headed back to BTS Saphan Taksin by the river boat. From there, we continued our journey to MBK for shopping and stopped at BTS National Stadium. MBK is such a huge mall and sentiasa penuh dgn manusia. We took our lunch here at MBK Internation Food Court at 5th floor. We ordered Muslim food at one of the stalls. We eat Beriyani and Chicken Fried Rice. The taste was not bad....bolehlah. The food quite expensive...hhmmm international food what u expect.

Prawn Fried Rice
Fried rice with chicken sause

Shopping session dah bermula. I bought some kusyen cover lagi kat sini with different designs compared the one i bought at Chatuchak yesterday. I also bought table runner and knapsack bag only at RM50 after discount. Memang worth it because this type of bag paling murah RM70 kat Chatuchak. At MBK there are lots of shoe and bag sold here....with only RM19.90 per item. But for me the quality is not so good. I spent about RM80 for a pair of leather shoes...memang berbaloi. After dah penat bershopping, kaki pun dah lenguh. Kami buat foot massage. Only RM30 per hour plus free massage kat tengkuk and kepala. Bestnyaaa.

MBK..... can shopping here at reasonable price

Bestnya foot massage kat sini

On our way back to hotel, singgap jap kat Siam Paragon to snap photos. A lot of people melepak kat entrance of this shopping complex. This mall looks like our KLCC.

Siam Paragon

Posing with the queen of thailand......thai people love their king and queen

At night, we went to Silom Road. We took our dinner at Deen Restaurant. The ordered tomyam, siakap tiga rasa, telur bungkus and spaghetti. The taste really bad. Menyesal pulak gi restaurant ni. Belum rasa baru tengok food tu pun dah tau memang tak sedap. You guys have a look the food pic. The tomyam pakai kiub aje kot. Memang hampeh.

Deen restaurant.....not recommended

Tomyam yang hampeh...can you see the tomyam is so oilly

Telur bungkus.....tak sedap langsung

Spaghetti...... boleh tahanlah

Then we headed to Patphong Night Market. This place look like our Petaling Street. Except for the pub yg very the open. If u wanted Thai girls, you can get here. Siap menari2 atas meja tu. Hehehe. Rasa mcm nak snap dari jauh tapi tak beranilah. At this place i bought Guess wallet for about RM25 as i was their first customer. Damn good bargain. Eventhough it was only immitation item but the quality is good. Not many choices to shop here and we took cab and direct to Suan Lum Night Bazaar. Such a huge night market....really amazing. But not so many people shopping here. Most of them lepak to see band performance from Thailand. Still can order food and drinks. I bought 2 pairs of sport shoes and anyaman slipper for my brother. Then we headed back to hotel. Penat giler nak mampus for today's itinerary.

Patphong Night Market

Immitation branded stuff was here.....Patphong Night market

This is PatPhong Night Market

Pub yg very the open kat Patphong ni

Kat Suan Lum Night Bazaar

ni lah tempat lepak yg ada band performance tu....